Behavior » Campus Behavior Coordinator

Campus Behavior Coordinator

As required by law, a person at each campus must be designated to serve as the campus behavior coordinator. The designated person may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal. The campus behavior coordinator is primarily responsible for maintaining student discipline.


School rules and the authority of the district to administer discipline apply whenever the interest of the district is involved, on or off school grounds, in conjunction with or independent of classes and school-sponsored activities. The district has disciplinary authority over a student:


  1. During the regular school day and while the student is going to and from school or a school-sponsored or school-related activity on district transportation ;
  2. During lunch periods in which a student is allowed to leave campus;
  3. While the student is in attendance at any school-related activity, regardless of time or location;
  4. For any school-related misconduct, regardless of time or location;
  5. When retaliation against a school employee, board member, or volunteer occurs or is threatened, regardless of time or location;
  6. When a student engages in cyberbullying, as provided by Education Code 37.0832;
  7. When criminal mischief is committed on or off school property or at a school-related event;
  8. For certain offenses committed within 300 feet of school property as measured from any point on the school’s real property boundary line;
  9. For certain offenses committed while on school property or while attending a school sponsored or school-related activity of another district in Texas;
  10. When the student commits a felony , as provided by Education Code 37.006 or 37.0081
  11. When the student is required to register as a sex offender.


The district has the right to search a vehicle driven to school by a student and parked on school property whenever there is reasonable cause to believe it contains articles or materials prohibited by the district. The district has the right to search a student’s locker or desk when there is reasonable cause to believe it contains articles or materials prohibited by the district.


Brent Williamson is the designated Campus Behavior Coordinator for Rising Star ISD. For more information or to report behavior issues, please contact Brent Williamson at [email protected] or 254-643-1981.